Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thoughts on goals

So you need goals. You need something to strive for, something to look forward to. Without goals what is there?
It is a simple concept, sometimes difficult to grasp.

I now live with my girlfriend, whom I do love. This is true, she is nice, and pretty, and she likes me for who I am. It doesn't much better than that.

So now we live together.
A goal achived.
It is possible that I can only achieve goals with help of others?

Everyone needs someone to want them to cheer for them.

Sometimes people cheer you on because you want them too.
Sometimes you can't get it done if pride isn't on the line.

We are going to work on somethings.

You have a goal.
You even has a means to achive it to a certian extent.
Make love to your goal, make it your passion, your drive your, sex, your fuffilment to an idea. That passion that desire it what should push you forwatrd.
No matter it is.

You can still grow, There is still much to learn.

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